4 Steps to AM Workouts

Waking Up to Run in the 'City That Never Sleeps'

Let’s face it, no one ever really likes to get up at the crack of dawn.

I might be able to understand an early morning routine—a quiet moment with your city paper (NYT!) over a cup of coffee before the world around you starts to make noise.  But to get up to run?


I’m still not entirely convinced the body was made for a pre-sunrise elevated heart rate. But sometimes there is just no other option. And I’ll admit that once I get the sweat going I feel on top of the world, ready to conquer the day ahead.

So here are some tips for how to get out of bed and onto the pavement.

1. Don’t even think about snoozing

  • Here is how this scenario should go down: Alarm jolts you unwillingly out of sleep and you spring out of bed as if your house was on fire. There. Not only will it give you a surge of adrenaline, but you’ll prevent those all-too-heavy eyelids from shutting for “just another minute”…zzz…zzz….

2. Three minute bathroom rule

  • You have three minutes to pee, splash cold water on your face, and brush your teeth. In that order. No dillydallying.
    (side note: Don’t worry, you dedicated teeth brushers out there, there will be more time to scrub those gums AFTER your run)

3. Get into gear

  • Which will be quick…because, of course, you’ll have already laid out your workout clothes and accoutrements (i.e. iPod, headphones, sneakers, etc…) the night before.

4. Walk out the door.

  • Forge ahead. No turning back. You’ll thank yourself later. Promise. 

About Gym Rat Confessions
The gym is a part of my daily life. Playing soccer for twenty years instilled within me a daily desire to sweat. Along with fitness comes nutrition, and being an fanatic foodie, I love planning healthy meals to accompany my rigorous workouts. But working out is not always about staying fit. Sometimes, the gym is an escape, a place where real world stresses can't touch me, where my competitive nature dominates-- a place to feel invincible.

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